Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Te-Moak website updated

Te-Moak - The Te-moak tribe has updated their website.
The website now has meeting minutes from 2010-2014 and resolutions from 2010-2014.  So far this year, resolutions show that the Gonzales council is hard work issuing liquor licenses.  Chairman gonzales reports seem to be missing or the link is not appearing on the website.  And tribal members can click on the Culture and history link to find out that 'New' means The People.


Anonymous said...

Just what the colony needs, more Elko-holics.

Anonymous said...

Issuing liquor licenses? Another example of going backwards. Another example of lazy governance.

Anonymous said...

Liquor License: What a big joke! WE are a backwards Tribe, I am ashamed to say....

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from an administration and tribal council with no culture or knowledge of history or tradition. Isn't that why Elko and South Fork Band councils, South Fork period, jumps on everyone else bandwagon for culture and history. The only culture they know is a culture of corruption and broken Shoshone language if at all.

Anonymous said...

Just got done reading the Te-Moak minutes. What a sad state of affairs. After all these years career politicians like Davis Gonzales still doesn't know the difference between band and tribal powers ? Here's a hint: the tribal constitution is a legal and federal document. Tribal Council has authority over the bands an their band resolutions. The bands still have to follow federal laws under Te-Moak federal recognition. Te-Moak council has authority over funding and how band funds are used, lands, elections, and enrollment. It's up to tribal council to make sure the bands are not violating the constitution for their own purposes. The bands can only propose resolutions when it comes to tribal enrollment which is a voter and tribal issue. SFBC has no legal authority to change enrollment on their own to suit their needs. Yes Davis please study up on the enrollment ordinance then ask how the children of mexican nationals and those with the minimum blood quantum requirement can get enrolled or enroll their kids and grandkids who don't meet the minimum. How does a guy like Davis with so many children have so little balls when it comes to doing what is morally and ethically right?

Anonymous said...

The te-moak facebook was briefly open to non-facebook users now it's not. I know te-moak tribe lives in their own little world but this administration takes the cake for lamest government and biggest laughing stock with no sense of community. How "native" are they? Not!

Charlieg said...

If you are a Te-Moak tribal member, you need to read the enrollment ordinance. You are embarrassing to our tribe. Tell the truth